Work Collection



What is X-Academy?

The vision of X Academy – to help the young people achieve what they need most: to invent, create, and change the lives of millions. TechX annually hosting over 400 high school/college students who aspire to become engineers, entrepreneurs, and designers. Many of our participants successfully entered top-tier STEM undergraduate programs or Silicon Valley Giants. During the twelve days of TechX, our students will dive deep into one of five cutting-edge technology fields - Machine Learning, Robotics, Block Chain, Game Design and Industrial Design. Towards the end of the Summit, students will spend 48 hours on a culminating hackathon: a hands-on experience known as the X Capstone Project.

What is X-Factory?

It is a mobile app that establishes a community to make hackathons more sustainable and impactful, boosting students’ potential to apply concept models to real practice. With X-Factory, users can learn from their peers, get hackathon updates and find like-minded teammates to work with.



Students who create excellent ideas during hackathons, design projects, entrepreneurial programs often encounter stagnation due to the lack of time and resources to expand further.



An application designed for mobiles, creating a network to amplify the positive and lasting impact of hackathons, augmenting students' ability to convert theoretical ideas into practical solutions. X-Factory allows the users to gain knowledge from their colleagues, receive updates on hackathons and discover teammates with similar interests for collaboration.



Maker Culture + Maker Education = X-Factory

Maker culture is getting popular among the youth. There are more and more self-initiated programs to invest in social networking and entrepreneurial spirits of makers from different backgrounds, such as hackathons and design storms.

Maker culture includes 3 stages : zero to maker, maker to maker, and finally maker to market. Maker education cultivates design thinking, interdisciplinary collaboration and equal opportunities for all.

Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis

User Research

User Research

Qualitative Analysis

Qualitative Analysis

Our principal findings indicate: Most people crave to advance their endeavours. The biggest obstacle is funding, closely followed by knowledge. The preference for most is a platform to learn from fruitful cases, subsequently utilizing user feedback and expert reviews.

Use Case

Use Case





Must Have

Concrete examples Showcase

Experts’ bio

Social Networking

Recommendations for you

Maker to maker coordinations

Maker to market success storie

Should Have

Patent protection

Network managements

Privacy setting


Seasonal feeds

Could Have

Link to social medias

Link to portfolios

Supplier for makers

Planner & Reminder

Corporate planning


Won't Have

Virtual hackthon

Irrelevant advertisements

Mission Statement

Mission Statement

To help the young people achieve what they need most: to invent, create, and change the lives of millions.

Brand Pyramid

Brand Pyramid

Story Board

Story Board

Low Fidelity Wireframes

Low Fidelity Wireframes

Final Design

Final Design

© Arya 2023